L'umidità, Un Nemico Sottovalutato

Humidity: An Underestimated Foe

If the floor begins to warp shortly after being laid or simply starts to peel away, no matter how beautiful it may look, the client won't appreciate the result.

When it comes to managing construction costs, we often hear that profit is secured during the material selection process (the less they cost, the more you earn in the end), while on-site work execution is seen as a question mark, with unforeseen circumstances always lurking around the corner.

However, looking at the flip side of the coin, it is precisely with the choice of materials that the success of a project is also determined. No matter how perfect it may seem on paper, a project can turn into a disaster if preventive measures for some post-construction issues, such as moisture presence, are not taken into account.

Moisture is one of the most insidious enemies. If proper assessments aren't made and precautions aren't taken, it reveals itself when it's already too late. The solution we offer in case of rising dampness is our three-component system, which certainly adds an extra step to the floor installation process but pays off in the long run.

But what is it?

It's nothing more than a resinous layer that we apply to the existing floor before the planned cycle, with the function of blocking moisture rise. We always recommend it when the floor's moisture level exceeds 13% or when it's impossible to determine whether a vapor barrier (nylon, membrane, XPS... etc.) was laid before the existing support was constructed.


Here are some technical details:

It's a neutral, water-based, three-component epoxy resin product, internally loaded with special quartz particles. It's particularly suitable for humid environments and is applied between the existing industrial/civil support (concrete, screeds, tiles, marble, old resin, etc.) and the subsequent resin layers.

The preparation of the support area involves sanding, polishing, or shot blasting followed by surface cleaning. Then, the primer is applied, followed immediately by the application of the resinous three-component compound.


 In case the existing floor is made of tiles or is particularly damaged, an additional mesh can be used between the existing floor and the three-component resin to ensure even greater stability over time. Once the work is completed, the presence of the mesh will be completely invisible, thanks to the contribution of the quartz particles contained in this formulation.
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